2016年10月9日 星期日

‘Jobs’ in the US Presidential Election

‘Jobs’ in the US Presidential Election

Sun. Oct 9th 2016, written by Li-Chang Kuo
Advocating that ‘Creating New Industry for New Jobs’(創新產業解決失業) for three decades, ‘Jobs’ eventually became the most important theme in the US Presidential Election of 2016; ‘new jobs’, ‘good jobs’ have been come out during the campaign. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate said that “We will build an economy where everyone who wants a good job can get one.” On behalf of the Republican presidential candidate-- Donald Trump said that “My economic agenda can be summed up in three powerful words: ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’.”
Remember the first time to the United States in 1979, Customs officer in a despised tone questioned: “What purpose are you here?” I answered him immediately: “Create jobs.” He stunned for a moment, but soon his attitude changed at once, and said: “Welcome, welcome!” Indeed, I assisted my client to develop the products of ‘Satellite Receiver and Cable TV’ for achieving the prosperity in the coming 1980s, the era of President Reagan created 19 million new jobs, the Reaganomics also had been appeared to resolve America’s social dilemma that caused by the energy crisis in the 1970s-- the biggest problem was unemployment. Consequently, addressing the unemployment issue is inseparable from ‘creating new industry (innovative industry)'.
Due to foreseeing the future economic plague, so that initiated ‘social responsibility investment, SRI’ since the earlier 1980s, the investing pattern of SRI was based on the ‘public welfare’, and to take precautions for preparing the instrumental solution in order to have ability in responding the coming socio-issues. A new tech-economic system (TES) thus be invented, in which a lot of innovative industries can be developed by means of the applied science and technology, estimated to produce the business opportunities of USD 10 trillion, and that will be sufficient to cope with the  derivative disasters of economic plague.
Through various international conferences—includes the APEC, ‘TES’ was finally recognized and accepted; the flows of money, commodity, logistics and information in TES will accomplish the free movement of people, goods, services and capital to form a ‘Multilateral Trading System’; therefore, to win the bill of ‘E-Commerce’ at Kuala Lumpur APEC 1998 as we officially submitted our proposal which according to the ‘TES’, the industry of ‘Electronic Business’ had been shaped. Afterwards, in APEC 2003, we were addressing the needs of SME exporters to win the best practice of 'guidance of about 240 million people in the APEC Asian region who attempt to start a business each year'; and further also to help those emerging countries realizing how to use ‘Internet of Things, IoTs’ to support small and medium enterprises, to incubate nascent entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, for the sake of the inventor of TES was besieged furiously by Taiwan’s corrupt entities, those evildoers violated the international conventions, that result to delay the implementation of the planning of TES; the foreseeable economic plague really came in 2008 from Wall Street, New York to hit to the worldwide.
I was invited to contribute the way of ‘Rebuilding the Global Economy’ at APEC CEO Summit 2009 in Singapore, "How to implement TES?"—the question asked by the political and economic leaders. I replied that “To do pilot exercise in America.” And advocated that ‘IIA-TES’ (Invest in America for the Economic Stimulus), which was valued by the US delegates; however, America is a free country of bipartisan politics, is not what the president wants to do as his pleases, so the initiative of  ‘IIA-TES’  could not be implemented in time.
Until Sep. 27th, 2016, the first debate of US Presidential Election, ‘new jobs’, ‘good jobs’ were mentioned over 43 times; we can predict that second debate on the 9th day of October, ‘jobs’ must be a hot word in the venue. After all, work is the source of income, a good job to have good income and can have a stable life for the people; the society will be peace and happiness accordingly. But the entities of corruption are the culprit in producing unemployment. The thing of ‘Anti-corruption is concerning with job creation’ has been acknowledged consequently. So that those resistances of corruption among us must be eliminated in order to achieve the mission goal of job creation.
Arthur is the creator of Taiwan’s Precision Industry, advocating ‘create jobs’ since 1979 in America